Saturday, January 29, 2011


My sweet friend Lesly passed away this morning ... before the sun came up.  I met Lesly at CR and she was in my 12 step group.  She was such gentle soul and had such a sweet spirit. 
Even with my faith, death is so hard for me.  I KNOW I am going to see these people again, but I am just a selfish person I suppose, because it's something that I find is ALWAYS traumatic for me. 
I will miss her until we meet again on the other side.  Kiss Jesus for me Ms. Lesly... you lucky girl you... and please introduce yourself to Laura and John... they will show you the ropes now that you've arrived.
Thank you for being my friend!!!


  1. Good for you, Kecia!! You are doing a blog. I love blogs but I can't write. That is why I use my photography - photo journalism. I will bookmark this so I can keep up with you. And - I am very proud of you and what you have done with your life! Suzie

  2. thanks Suzie... i'm glad to know you are reading this... even if it's just silly boring "life" stuff. I've posted a new entry today... hope you enjoy it. I do have one other follower... I feel almost famous now that I have 2.. although you don't show up as a follower! Hee hee
    Love you
