Monday, December 13, 2010

Dinner Time

Ok, so the new phenom is this..... I begin cooking supper around 4:00 p.m., 4:45 p.m at the latest  I'll have my items on the stove or on the counter as they are being prepared to go into the meal and low and behold the men in my life start to walk through the door ... HUNGRY.  And they start feeding their faces... mind you ... not a snack to hold them over, but they start to EAT.  Like they haven't eaten in DAYS.... WTH???  So by 6:30 p.m when my dinner is ready and should be served, no one is hungry.  Can I just tell you how frustrating this is?  I think I'm going to go on a supper fixin strike.  Is that legal?  I dunno... but it should be.  Why does this piss me off so badly? 
So, this really isn't much for my first blog.... but it's a start.  I actually started one over a year ago and then never followed up and apparently those first few blogs are now, lost forever.....

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